I don’t use Google Calendar, but my pal says they’ve removed:
.Holocaust Remembrance Day
• Jewish Heritage
• Hispanic Heritage
• Women's History Month
• Indigenous People Month
• Pride Month
• Black History Month
This in concert with “Gulf of America” change.
@GottaLaff I do use it (for now), but I've never seen much in the way of holidays pre-marked on it.
Not that Google is above suspicion in any way, though.
@GottaLaff "Do be evil" quoth Pichai.
@GottaLaff have uninstalled both their calendar and map applications.
google (no capitals, thanks) has been steadily enshittified, but after the current jerk in charge took over from the former founders, they became just as evil as microsoft or apple.
Is it annoying to change something you are used to? Yes, mildly. Is it wrong to continue to use, therefore give custom/money, to evil companies that actively support fascism? YES.
We are responsible for the consequences of our online presence on other people's lives. I m not talking about the broad spectrum of people who have infinite butthurt from seeing a picture of food, or who are so fragile they can't be online unless everyone else only does what they want them to do or say, but the FACTUAL measure of giving a platform, power and MEANS to evil individuals who are actively trying to deny the right of others to EXIST.
@faraiwe I don’t mind being annoyed. My issue is that I have 100s of folders filled with things I can’t copy over. It would take a year.
@GottaLaff then starting now means in a year you will be done.
Postponing only means you finish later, AND your info may not be safe there, either.
I know, it SUCKS, but nobody promised life would be fair.
I learned about the volatility of trusted external repositories in the 90s, when the dot com bust meant a lot of digital resources became unavailable, often without much or any notice.
Lesson learned: have your own back up, local, and sync often with anything external. It hurt then, too.
@faraiwe I do use an external hard drive back up.
And you have no idea what you’re asking here. Why not just copy the Encyclopedia Britannica in cursive too?
No, it’s virtually impossible. Sorry.
I have a Proton Mail account. Fine. But I also have tons of folders filled with info that I cannot possibly copy.
@GottaLaff @faraiwe This seems like the same situation many people are in. Sounds like a business opportunity for somebody that can create an easy migration tool from Google to other services.
@GottaLaff I'm just hoping they don't replace them with White Supremesist Week.
That is utterly obscene. I was going to switch from gmail anyway and now this madness will speed up the process. What a pain in the ass though.
@lin11c I know. I have Proton, but meantime I have a million things “saved” in files on gmail that I refer to. I couldn’t possibly copy/paste them all
I know! I have 59,000 emails in ALL MAIL. Gmail is so bizarre. When I discovered that "label" that was hidden I was like WTF? Turns out that when you delete them from one place they are still in ALL MAIL. Not sure what to do about that right now but probably just nuke them all.
@lin11c I can’t nuke them. I use them like bookmarks. I have all kinds of links, warranties, info that i refer to
I have brought everthing into mac mail and put them into folders saved on my hard drive. What I don't know is what happens if I delete them in ALL MAIL. I have to test. Maybe you archive them all offline?
@lin11c I don't know how. That would be good if I could. I have SO many folders, tons of info
I'll look into this for myself and let you know if I find an easy solution.
@lin11c That would be great, thank you. I don't know how to transfer anything easily from there.
I looked it up once, years ago, found nothing
I did find this page. You can download your data and customize which products. Email messages are one of the options and you can choose which labels. I just tried it and it exported an mbox.
@lin11c Thank you!!!
The Trump lie hasn't made it to mine yet
@GottaLaff Wow. Can that corporation get any more bootlickingly obedient?
@Jgmeadows And why? My god.
@GottaLaff @Jgmeadows A Google search will betray you to authorities.
@jenzi @GottaLaff I switched to DuckDuckGo some time back. And I spend most of my time behind a VPN.
@Jgmeadows @GottaLaff All of these commercial services are cowtowing to Trump, it's time to find independent options. (Careful the VPN, your name is probably still attached to it)
@jenzi @GottaLaff NordVPN is pretty safe; it doesn't keep logs and is not an American company.
@Jgmeadows @jenzi Yes NordVPN is my choice too
@jenzi I know. @Jgmeadows
@Jgmeadows At the moment, this seems to be the norm for boot-licking obedience. With rare exceptions (like Costco), I will never take any corporations alleged "commitment" on any subject as anything more than craven posturing.
@alan Indeed! There's is nothing the average corporation won't do or say to make a buck.
@Jgmeadows That much I expected, but preemptively bending the knee to one person while abandoning thousands, hundreds of thousands of potential customers in the process is so utterly disgusting that now no utterance from these enterprises has any validity unless there's supporting evidence that' been audited by a third party. Corporate credibility has gone from about 10% to a negative number.
@alan Could not agree more.
For example, just like IBM helped the Nazi's tabulate the Holocaust, I'm sure all the tech bro companies are offering their services for the immigrant concentration camps, etc.
@Jgmeadows @GottaLaff
Anticipatory compliance is a term that seems to have arisen all of a sudden whereby firms, organizations, and even individuals adjust behaviour and practices, not because they are compelled to do so, but because they wish to avoid possible criticism or censure.
But ‘bootlickingly obedient’ is far better.
@GottaLaff I posted about this recently. The excuse they give is almost as insulting as their removal.
@paul @GottaLaff honestly sounds more like an excuse than a reason.
@ScotttSee @paul That’s what Paul said.
@GottaLaff @paul I missed the sarcasm tag apologies for putting my foot in my mouth
@ScotttSee Nah, just trying to give @paul credit for his post.
@ScotttSee It's all good. Their excuse was, " We got feedback that some other events and countries were missing — and maintaining hundreds of moments manually and consistently globally wasn’t scalable or sustainable..." so, I made a sarcastic bit out of their Gemini AI, which they are pushing for all things personal, business and enterprise, can't handle a couple hundred events yearly...
In the other linked post I said, "...Their team can't manage it. Smdh. Please. Come up with something better than that."
I actually went and looked to see If I said excuse or reason because they don't deserve the benefit of the doubt as it being truthful and honest.
@paul @GottaLaff the relatively polite euphemism for their statement is BS.
It's probably worth mentioning, I just reminded myself of this website to #unGoogle myself.
@ScottStarkey @GottaLaff Thanks for the hint, trying Patchwork with #scuttlebutt decentralized web . Sounds intriguing
@ScottStarkey @GottaLaff@mstdn.social
Thank you for sharing. Great resource.
@ScottStarkey @GottaLaff@mstdn.social
I have been poking around this website. It is a great resource
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