Andrius Kubilius, the European Commissioner for Defence Industry and Space:
“There are 450 million Europeans. We should not be crying out for 340 million Americans to defend us against 140 million Russians, who are not even able to defeat 38 million Ukrainians.
So, we really need to take more responsibility onto our own shoulders, and to do that without delays, because the threats and urgency are already here.”
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO
Europe can also defund the fossil fuel industry, which funds far right movements.
Accelerate the transition to renewables and the industry will have less profit to put towards thwarting climate action, killing democracy, and needless oil wars to keep captive consumers captive.
The fossil fuel industry wants a return to illiterate peasants slaving away to keep rich bigots in control
@Free_Press The massacres of white power have nothing to do with democracy or millions of inhabitants of any country or continent.
how many Palestinians live in Palestine?
do any Zionists live in Palestine?
it is not a question of population, it is a question of massacre of civilians (women and children), to steal and appropriate their homes, resources, and geostrategy, that it seems that you have forgotten this main issue
True basically, a matter of revealing, releasing the true potential of European power.
Strength through power.
Si vis pacem, para bellum...