One Step Closer To AI Taking Over....
Boston Dynamics presents the progress made in the movement capacity of its "humanoid robot" Atlas.
Scary, scary, scary...
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #socialmedia #Fediverse #robots #ai
@42GB these are the strange humanoid cyborg bot things I was describing
That is frightening.
The people who cheer about it will quickly stop when they are beaten up by a troop of these things because they walked across a millionaire's lawn or were so bold as to demonstrate.
@Gehtso @Free_Press Humanoid robots are not scary at all. Scary are the robots which are already used to kill people.
Not scary, just functional.
Wouldn't be surprised if there was a small but heavy flywheel on a gimbal inside the chest (not just a gyroscope and accelerometers) to help with its balance. Being able to alter the centre of balance would allow it to throw itself around and use dynamic equilibrium more easily.
... i just made all that up ... or did i?
@Free_Press this thing is gonna be carrying guns for the military in no time.
@Free_Press - Soon, These robots will be taking the jobs away from clowns and acrobats at the circus !
@Free_Press nothing to do with AI or LLMs...
still scary...
but can it pick lettuce?
@Free_Press nach der Hälfte des Clips hab ich gedacht, da fehlt nur noch dass der Roboter Breakdance tanzt.