All modern issues can be directly traced back to the government not investing in the Turbo Encabulator.
54 years wasted.
@Extelec there was a brief effort by Borland to revive the project with Borland Turbo Encabulator, but it was eclipsed by the success of Borland Turbo Pascal.
@phooky Yes, and Microsoft Encabulator on a laser disk, if I remember correctly.
@Extelec it really did push the boundries of multimedia, but it was always hobbled by the relative unavailability of PC cases with 12" drive bays.
@phooky It was the cost of the base plate of pre-famulated amulite required for them to work reliably.
@Extelec I'm confused. I thought everyone is selling these. Maybe I'm not listening properly but it's what I'm hearing from every account manager.
What the hell have I been buying all this time?
@g7kse Probably a modern cut down version, that doesn’t do much at all, but has AI, so that's fine.
@Extelec now you mention it I might have read AI but just assumed it was a typo.
@g7kse Can't be a typo, it's impossible if no one was typing it, that's the advantage of AI.
@Extelec ahh yes the problem with buying the Rockwell Retro Encabulator.