Remember the Teslacoil's from #emf this year ?
Want to see them again, or did you not get to see them.
Well, they will be at #NottsGaussfest 2nd of November.
Details here
(You need to register)
And loads of other Tesla coils, and high voltage gubbins. (and the TC theremin player)
(also, looking for more exhibitors, dm me if interested.)
Please re-toot
@aerique This does not crash Tusky for me on Google Android 13.
We use exoplayer and I don't know if that embeds video codecs or not. Could you maybe try the following?
- Open the post in a web browser and see if it crashes.
- Open the post in a chromium browser, specifically, and see if it crashes.
- Download it to your phone and try to watch it in Photos.
It may be the correct home for this bug is filed on Sailfish.
@mcc Yes, perhaps. I was just curious and if it did crash for you we'd have a good solid example.
I'll download it and see how it goes.
edit: Finally got it running in the Android gallery (not so straightforward on SFOS) and on the SFOS gallery itself. Ran fine on both so I'll chalk this up as "meh" for now. Tusky is generally solid on SFOS.