One day, I'll be confident enough to solder a led without looking up which hole the short leg goes into....
@jskists I Always go by the cutout on the base. I can never remember which leg is which :)
@Extelec @jskists One leg is shorter. It has less metal than the other. So there is -metal on that leg, compared to there being +metal on the other. Less is negative, more is positive. That's how I remember it.
Same with the plastic part. There is less plastic on one side, and less is negative.
Don't ask me about Anode and Cathode though. I could never remember which is which there.
@rc2014 @Extelec @jskists I learned that the flat side of the diffuser is the negative side, but I also learned that they can be manufactured wrong (as can the leg length) so not to rely on it.
I normally look at the anvil, since that's the electrically negative part regardless of legs or flat spots.
@InstantArcade @rc2014 @jskists You were right, the cathode and the cutout was on the same side as the anvil.