It is unfuckingbelievable that all of these emergency management folks in their press conference are thanking their governor for being so awesome when it’s the governor who won’t even let them say the words climate change
These fuckers are always the first ones to say “don’t politicize a natural disaster”, and yet every opportunity they have, they will insert some kind of political statement to convince duped voters that Republicans actually have their best interest at heart
Because oh absolutely, yes the Republicans who consistently want to reduce the amount of funds available to help anyone in America for any reason actually give a shit about you
Their beloved Trump would reduce funding for the very agencies that help predict and protect people from these disasters, but sure they’re good for you
And let’s not forget the very people who vote for him will be more than ready to accept money from the government, which is only there because of tax dollars, you know, the tax dollars they don’t think anyone should have to pay
I am honestly so sick of living in a country where stupid and ignorant and, frankly, cruel people have a disproportionate amount of power and make life hard for everyone else as a result.
People who believe THIS shit will be voting and we’ll all suffer because of it
@DrPsyBuffy I am acquaintances with somebody who seems to 100% believe these things. It is bizarre, to say the least. We can have normal conversations about 90% of things, and we have a lot of common interests, but this? SMH
Pretty sure "gwen" is actually Duga, near Chernobyl
@DrPsyBuffy If democrats could control the weather they would have leveled Mar-a-Lago by now.
@DrPsyBuffy What I find extra frustrating about these conspiracies theories is that there are a few billionaires who are gearing up for geoengineering projects (cloud seeding, stratospheric sulfur injection, glass in the arctic) which probably won't work as intended, and could cause big problems for people. And then we're going to have to argue about which things are actual conspiracies, and which are fake conspiracy theories.
I'm already tired.
Regrettably, that is not something that only the USA suffers from.