This fucking idiot is going to wipe out mankind. And womenkind.
RFK Jr.’s Prescription for Bird Flu on Farms: Let It Spread
Like Trump, RFK Jr has been swallowed by his childhood trauma, and wants to make the whole world pay for it.
@huntingdon @DemocracyMattersALot
i've been saying for years about republicans
if you haven't ever lived in an abusive relationship
now you have
@samiamsam @Okanogen @huntingdon @DemocracyMattersALot
I keep saying it: people’s relationship with abuse and abusers is the key to understanding their relationship with Trump.
If you want to know why somebody voted for him, look at who’s abused them and who they’ve abused in their own life, and look at how they feel about that, how they conceptualize it.
@inthehands @samiamsam @Okanogen @huntingdon @DemocracyMattersALot m
I can’t say if any of the MAGA ppl I know personally have been abused or are abusers (2 friends, 2-4 family members) but a common theme I’ve noticed is that they did not have a supportive father in their life growing up, and they did not particularly like to read.
But then there’s this, which says RWA personality is mostly genetic.
@KydiaMusic @samiamsam @Okanogen @huntingdon @DemocracyMattersALot
Fascinating. I strongly suspect that all this is entangled, but I’m already out my depth and would love it to those who’ve done more careful study to tease that out.
@KydiaMusic @inthehands @Okanogen @huntingdon @DemocracyMattersALot
another thing that happens when kids grow up in an abusive family is they either identify with their abusers or go the opposite way
i got a qualified therapist, healed as best i could and decided not to be like my abusive family
some kids decide they like power and control and become abusers themselves
@samiamsam @KydiaMusic @Okanogen @huntingdon @DemocracyMattersALot
Both of those patterns are ones I specifically had in mind with that post.
I’m really glad you got help and did the work to help break the cycle. That is so tough and so important.
I was rooting for the brain worm.
@DemocracyMattersALot We probably should learn to live without chicken and eggs for now.
Great plan.
The entire US flock of commercial agriculture chickens allowed to be reservoir of #BirdFlu virus to mutate, and the 2% that remains will.... What? Be bred to succumb to the new version of bird flu where the process is repeated?
The plan is cheap and it will work for a while.
Sounds like a perfect plan for this administration.