Mom worked for Texas Medical Association when the polio vaccine debuted. She and fellow TMA employees were hustled by their boss to the floor of the Texas Legislature, then in session, the first Texans to be inoculated, right there in front of God and everybody. One of her uncles, afflicted with polio, had died as a teenager. She and I both grew up with victims and families of victims of polio. War on vaccines=war on health, sense, and science. Why do they want us dead and crippled?
@Cotopaxi Anti-science is anti-sense. All the things they are against are definitely going to cause misery and death, but that is a nebulous concept - if it even crosses what passes for a mind in these dangerous fools.
Trump is contemptuous of ordinary people. His choices for his 'cabinet' are all reprehensible. He is playing the citizens of the United States for suckers. @luckytran
@Tooden @luckytran Yes. We've been sold out. This ignorance and bias is a consequence of the deliberate progressive dumbing down of education, the willful creation of a population led by fear, unable to reason, engorged by propaganda and rhetoric, increasingly dissociated from a sense of community or civic responsibility.
Fight back. Read a book. Read a banned book, even better. Teach your kids to question, to think, to reason, and to care about others. Teach them history and the Constitution.
@Tooden @luckytran That encouragement to fight back isn't specific to you personally. I think we all already know all the things, but I get upset, and then I get stuck on my soap box. These are worrying times.
@Cotopaxi I don't even live in the USA, but Australia is going to be impacted by the #BloviatingOrangeBuffoon and his #BucketOfExecrables
Plus I have many online friends who will be directly impacted. @luckytran
@Tooden @luckytran
I'm so sorry. Yes, "that man who is orange on purpose," as Mom describes him, destroys all that he touches, all in his sphere. It is no comfort to read about the dismay and buyer's remorse of those who handed him world power. It's no comfort to know they'll suffer as we all will suffer. Coulda-woulda-shoulda won't help us now. We must try to do all we can to help one another, to push for that which nurtures rather than destroys civilization. Stay strong, and keep joy alive.