@ComicContext I didn't read a lot of Captain America back in the day, but I do recall that issue!
Oo! What was the context, or story name?
@Phosphenes @ComicContext Been decades since I've looked at that issue but as I recall, there was a plot to gas a bunch of people (maybe during a political rally?) from a hot air balloon. Capt America (as Nomad) and SHIELD were after Viper -- who I don't *think* was with Hydra at the time. While they were running to the balloon as it was lifting off, Dugan suffered a stroke, which is what you see in that panel. Don't recall the issue number but it would've been around 1984 or so.
@ComicContext Every. Morning.
@ComicContext progeria ... it gets you every fucking time
@ComicContext This is an actual picture of me as my bones kick the shit out of me on this cold winter morning.
Probably his 50th birthday
@ComicContext Yep. Totally get this.
@benjamincox @ComicContext Arthritis comes for us all eventually
@ComicContext I relate to this feeling
@ComicContext @beeps literally me (my bdays in 2 weeks)
@ComicContext old, not obsolete.