To anyone who is feeling uncomfortable with and dreading the thought of having to go to #Thanksgiving this year because you would have to be around people who voted to dehumanize/harm/deport/kill you, your kids, your friends, etc. I need you to please read what I am about to type over and over until it sinks in:
It's okay not to go to Thanksgiving dinner. Its okay to cut them out of your life. Its not about politics. Its about morality.
Its okay.
@Chromino don't go to Thanksgiving. You don't have to!
@Chromino I know it's difficult, but they voted to destroy your life, why should they have the privilege of being part of it ?
Life is too short to be spending time with those who make it their mission to make you feel miserable.
One interesting after-effect of TFG and COVID, we've finally gotten over this nonsense about "blood is thicker than water."
Life is too short to waste any of it on assholes.
@tuban_muzuru @Chromino OH boy, I get to be a pedantic! The full saying is "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb," just yet another piece of wisdom ruined by brevity
Here's where you're going to get a nice thick slice of TMI. I am not on speaking terms with any of my children or their mother - and my brother is being cremated at this exact moment.
The entire concept of family is overrated.
Welcome to mute
@Chromino I’m lucky. Going to spend Thanksgiving with my gay niece, her wife, and their two kids. Plus some other relatives, all of whom approve of my niece’s family. I can’t wait!
@Chromino this. It's real and it's sad. *you know who you are*
@Chromino Absolutely!
> Its not about politics. Its about morality.
And it's about your own safety. Stay safe, fam.
We are skipping turkey day with our son ‘cause he’s an idiot.
@Chromino For real. Lots of us who grew up in abusive families have been doing this for years. If you need community on the holidays, look for found family.
@Chromino If only grandpa didn't live here.
@Chromino I'm going to Thanksgiving with my 98% Trumper family, and I'm going to quietly, calmly drop truth bombs about Trump and Republicans **all day**. It'll be a glorious day of witnessing to the blind. It's cool if some folks wanna skip. That's not my style.