Conservative parents have disowned their kids for things like being LGBT, being a democrat or independant, marrying/loving/caring about anyone who isnt the right skin tone or not the right religion, etc, for decades now. But now the shoe is on the other foot with kids disowning their conservative parents, and suddenly theyre crying that cutting off family "over politics" is wrong
Fuck'em. Actions have consequences. Being related by blood to someone doesnt entitle them to a spot in your life
@Chromino this. All of this.
@Chromino I mean. There were people in 1930s Germany who cut off family and friends and actually left the country "over politics." There's a point where "politics" metastasizes into something else, and we've long since hit that point in the USA.
@Chromino This might be the last year we spend Thanksgiving with certain family members. If it were my discission, we would have cut them off ages ago, but I think this will be a turning point.
@Chromino fascism and fascist-minded people are all about control, and yeah, this "it's okay when the isolation is on our terms" thing is that dynamic again. having it dictated by someone else signifies loss of control. at a moment where they all went out and voted for someone who promised them their spot in a control hierarchy, i think it's good for people who are in the position to do so to cut them off. it's an act of resistance and that matters right now
@Chromino It is called FAFO under time delay Some disowned their kids for these.
Others tried to "convert" their kids back to their favor... which is how places like WWASP thrive
@Chromino I wonder if/when it'll lead to a great awakening? A tiny trickle can lead to a flood. Consequences have to be fully felt to undestand actions.
@Chromino For literally centuries conservatives have used social and economic ostracism to punish those who strayed outside their norms (e.g. atheists). When its done to them it gets derided as "cancel culture".
@Chromino One chooses one's friends. family is INFLICTED on one.
Blood is not just thicker than water, it leaves stains that are hard to get out...
@DifferentDrummer @_L1vY_ @Chromino I like your opinion on the shortened version of that saying. The full saying is quite a different picture.
The full quote is:
“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”
@Chromino Exactly. I wrote a blog post about that:
"Because Nazis are Narcissistic Bullies"
@Chromino Parents scared that without their kids free care, they will end up in the healthcare system they wrecked for profit and giggles when they get infirm.....