#OnThisDay, 22 March 1982, around 250 people blockade Greenham Common airbase in the UK. 34 are arrested. It was the first mass non-violent protest by the Greenham Common peace women.
Photo: Paula Allen.
Read more: https://carvehername.org.uk/greenham-women-22-march-1982/
@CarveHerName In the late 60s Greenham Common had a trial of an alert system. The CO would ring ring two of his subordinates who would then ring 2 each and so on. One tiny tiny problem. The telephone exchange in Newbury wasn't automatic and only had 7 people on duty at night in a room with 60 switchboards. They were run ragged. If the alert was real those same telephonists had 4 minutes to go down 2 floors and bring up concrete blocks to build a wall around the room
@John_Loader ironically, the telephone tree model for raising an alarm is the same model the Greenham women employed for raising a protest. Possibly through the same switchboard, though I imagine it was automated by 1980.
@CarveHerName 1975 automated