#OnThisDay, 8 Mar 1914, #InternationalWomensDay started to settle on a date.
The idea emerged at the International Socialist Women’s Conference in 1910, inspired by an American national women's day in February 1909. The conference took up the idea and events began to be held each year, demanding equal rights for women.
The first IWD held on 8 March was in 1914 in Germany.
The day and date was formally adopted by the UN in 1977.
@CarveHerName Asking in all honesty why there is no International Men's Day. There are those who would say the answer to that is inherently obvious, but if men are only to be villified, what does that teach boys?
We are ALL connected.
Respectfully, I disagree. Life is worth celebrating.
@wolfnowl There is.
It's 19 November.
We'll assume you were asking "in all honesty" but we will suggest that in future you might want to use a search engine to check something before asking us: they're available 24/7 whereas we tend to slack off on the weekends.
@CarveHerName Thank you for letting me know. I had no idea and didn't think to search because I'd never heard of such a thing.
Have a great day!!
@wolfnowl No problem! But you should be aware that some men disingenuously ask that in an attempt to denigrate international women's day.
IWD is about working towards women gaining equality with men, not "vilifying men". You can read more about why it is needed here: https://www.unwomen.org/en/news-stories/announcement/2024/12/international-womens-day-2025-for-all-women-and-girls-rights-equality-empowerment
@wolfnowl Aside from anything else, men also benefit when women have equality. They are more able to break cultural stereotypes of masculinity and be confident in expressing their emotions, for example. That sounds like something you would support.
@CarveHerName Of course!! We are All connected (and not just humans). My only suggestion is that we not become so focused on equality that we ignore diversity (not to suggest that you are, but I've seen it).
As Ram Dass said, "We're all just walking each other home."
@wolfnowl@universeodon.com @CarveHerName
When is International Men's Day???
But to be more specific, International Men's Day is 19 November.
Next time try Google.
I bet when you see those Black Lives Matter signs, you say, "but all lives matter."