Oh, yes.... forgot to mention...
It's spring peeper time in Southern Ohio!
@BsCreativeLife let's all go to the Loveland castle and watch the frogs!
It *is* Wednesday (my dudes).
@ahermitforhire @Crazypedia
Yeh, but nobody's "really" working right now....
@BsCreativeLife @Crazypedia And I’ve only just discovered there’s a castle in Ohio.
And it’s better than ours.
@ahermitforhire @BsCreativeLife and it's got a cryptid. the frogman lives there. Worth a visit (you won't see a frogman)
@Crazypedia @ahermitforhire
Thing 1 went to the Frogman festival that was just in town and brought back...
Sexy Cryptids
Want one?