For a treat, I ordered food for delivery. The driver's name was listed as Oleksil, which seemed as though it could be Scandanavian. As soon as he spoke, though, I knew better. "Are you Ukrainian?" I rudely asked. Yes, yes he was. I wanted to hug him, but I refrained (wish I hadn't), and said "Welcome, slava Ukraini". He put his hand to his chest and said "Thank you, that means so much to me."
It costs nothing to be kind.
@Bette when I worked at a construction supply warehouse, years ago, Americans were still for the most part mostly ignorant of eastern European politics. We had a customer who, when assumed to be Russian, told us off as professionally as possible that he and the rest of the company were Ukrainian. Knowing what I know now, I wish I would have been more knowledgeable and understanding of the difference. Like you said, it costs nothing to be kind. #SlavaUkraini