A garbage truck hauling garbage—how meta!
Photo credit: My better half
@Badger_AF do you need a special license to drive a dumpster or will an ordinary car license do?
@capnthommo Nah, as my departed father-in-law would say, "you just need more money than brains"
@Badger_AF I'm safe then - we got practically no money.
@Badger_AF why is the license plate censored?
@0xF21D It's how my better half sent it to me. I'm going to trust her judgment over mine.
@Badger_AF given Musk's rivalry with Zuckerberg, he's going to be doubly disappointed to hear his favourite vehicle being called "Meta"
@Badger_AF driveable dumpster
Its only use…
They just took a skip and put wheels on it!
@Badger_AF And hauling carboard in an open box.. how much flew out the back before they made it where they were going?
@Badger_AF "I didn't mean to say that the Enterprise should be hauling garbage. I meant to say it should be hauled away AS garbage!"
@Badger_AF too bad the trash CEO isnt buried in the back with the rest of the garbage.
@Badger_AF trash hauling trash?
@Badger_AF according to the raccoons, it's a dumpster.
@Badger_AF Garbage Trucks are better looking than that POS. Lol.