We're going to see a lot of stories about people who voted for the orange shit having it come back to bite them.
These stories gain traction due to Schadenfreude, irony, and being clickbait for corporate media.
As much as it might give readers a sense of vindication, it still ends up with someone being unjustly punished.
Many are from marginalized folks and it strikes me as punching down.
Not engaging with these stories, and resisting the urge to feel smug is part of being the Resistance.
@Badger_AF In my heart I don't believe anyone who voted for Trump would feel any sense of regret or remorse. These are people who don't see the bigger picture and voted to either 'Own the Libs' or because they liked his con-man, used car salesman charm.
The Dems/Libs need to stop looking for satisfaction and need to accept what happened. The sooner you acknowledge there is a divide, the sooner you can bring people together to make things right again.
(in my humble Canadian opinion)
@sand Well, they might feel some remorse when it's their ox getting gored. A lot of these people who voted for him seemed to stop maturing in 5th grade.
It's going to be a tall order to bridge a divide with people who can't even vote their own self-interests.
For a lot of these folks, primary their self-interest is to feel better about themselves at the expense of others.
@Badger_AF I agree with your comment about 5th grade. There was an American map circulating showing the correlation between states that voted for Trump and highest level of education (it wasn't that high comparatively).
I also don't think Trump is going to set America on fire to stay warm.
Dem's need to find a new leader ASAP. Someone with charisma that can win a popularity contest against Trump
I'm commenting just as a way to follow this thread. I agree with you, but I imagine you're going to get a fair bit of pushback on this.
I've been very troubled by my own blood lust in this regard over the last 5-6 days.
@kims Myself as well. I think when we're wounded, we look for any sort of balm to feel better.
And to be honest, yes, I am wounded. I'm hurt that I thought I knew my fellow Americans better.
Turns out, I didn't—a majority of them use the charade of talking about inflation, and 'kitchen table politics' when they just vote for someone who did not have one policy who would make their lives materially better.
@kims @Badger_AF We are animals, when all is said and done, and when we're jammed into a "fight or flight" mode, it's not a moral decision being made.
It's reasonable to be angry, even violently so, when you're in danger. You can forgive yourself for it.
Whether it's productive, you act on it, etc. are all separate questions.
@kims @Badger_AF I'm a strong proponent of an active fantasy life. What we do and say when interacting with others is what really matters.
I think fantasy and imagination can help us process emotions, and that's always a good thing.
@Badger_AF I've got a personal example. My SiL, who is one of the most hard-working people I know, is also a Xtian tRump voter. She barely finished high school so is limited in the kinds of jobs she was qualified to do, but she really has worked hard all her life. Now that she can no longer work, she depends on her Social Security and Medicare. When those go, she'll be impoverished. I take no satisfaction from this. Instead, I'll do whatever I can to get things back on an egalitarian track.
@isotope239 Thank you for caring about people who many would just write off.
We may not have won the election, but we voted for the candidate who would represent and fight for all Americans—and that's no small thing.
@Badger_AF Well, I can't say I wouldn't enjoy seeing someone like Giulliani get absolutely smushed, but for most of the more ordinary people, I'll just grit my teeth and get on with doing what I can. You can either let the bitterness eat you alive or try to do something constructive.
@Badger_AF These people are delusional. Reality just isn't a thing for them. All the good things = Trump. All the bad things = Democrats. Laugh at them. Ridicule them. Empathize with them. Try to persuade them, but know that you can't undo 30 years of systematic radicalizing propaganda. You can't say more or say it louder than the #ConservativePropagandaMatrix. If we don't fix the propaganda state, we're not changing anything.
@MaierAmsden @Badger_AF Trump will falsely claim credit for Biden’s accomplishments, like reducing inflation, and his supporters will feel vindicated in voting for him.
It will be curious to see how Trump blames Democrats for his failures when the GOP holds a majority in Congress (at until the 2026 Congressional elections).
@Badger_AF I dunno, I don't think it'll be harm to marginalized folks that will give me that feeling of schaudenfreude. It'll be when what happens to marginalized folks today happens to white people tomorrow. Because that's what we've been trying to get white people to understand -- under the people you're voting in, you, too, will be a target for all the bad stuff they already do to marginalized folks.
@Badger_AF some also strike me as a bit too… perfect… so I question if they’re real. Nothing has changed yet. It’s a bit early for folks to experience the consequences.