Today is the most important day in a cat’s calendar. It’s why they must have a day’s rest so they can do it all over again tomorrow.
@Astro_Jmona is that an Egyptian Mau?
Really beautiful
I’ve always had Maus. They look very much alike
@Democat2 Maus and Savannahs are a lot alike.
But having a Serval grandpa and Savannah parents, she is wild! She loves raw foods, she doesn't meow, but she chirps hisses and growls. I was going to adopt an EM, but the shelter didn't allow adoptions out of county
A friend then, told me that this little girl had been abused and I could not bear it. She likes a good belly rub when she’s in the mood. #SavannahsOfMastodon #SavannahCat #CatsOfTheFediverse #Catstodon #EverydayIsCaturday #cats
The Mau I have now was feral when I got him. The woman who bred them never handled the kittens. It was such a shame. After 3 years he can’t bear to be away from me.
Hope springs eternal
@Democat2 backyard breeders are horrible. They profit from these beautiful, noble and loyal animals that deserve better.
Artemis Luna was in Las Vegas. When we learned her story, we immediately offered to foster if needed, regardless of the fact that we live in NorCal. We went to pick her up.
She arrived frightened, with an infection in her eye from the stress, and you could tell she was malnourished. I was in tears. She’s doing great now. Still skittish but content and has found her soulmate!
You are so sweet. I’m glad she has you