Oh no. My brain has chosen my next crafting project without my consent.
I've got a very close friend who moved to the US from Ukraine as a child and still has a lot of family there, as well as pride in his heritage.
I'm also pretty sure he doesn't have a hand-embroidered shirt to show off that heritage.
Folks, my next project may be making a vyshyvanka.
(Btw I hate hand-stitching and embroidery, but here we are)
Suggestions welcome. I've started researching traditional patterns (leaning towards geometric), but there's a ton to sift through. I also haven't decided what cut of shirt, but I want to go more everyday style rather than folkwear.
To cap it all off, I've done embroidery once. With yarn. On a plastic grid. When I was maybe 12.
I've got enough crafting experience that I'm confident I can pull off anything counted cross stitch, but easier is probably better.
Also oh no. I know I said I want to do a traditional pattern and I still do, but what if I do cute symbols on the cuffs.
He's a grad student at CU Boulder - little buffalo silhouette
We've been watching Star Trek together every Friday for the last 3-4 years - Enterprise silhouette
He loves gardening and sunflowers - sunflower
He's studying the Earth's atmosphere - earth
Any good Brooklyn symbols? Maybe the bridge?
@Artemis201 It's sort of complex, but have you seen the golden state warriors logo? It's a bridge in a circle. Maybe you could do a sunflower with the center replaced by the brooklyn bridge silhouette?