@12thRITS @VisualStuart I heard crypto currency described as "Mary Kay for boys" from my hairdresser today.
@ftp_alun @12thRITS @VisualStuart In the early days, I knew of one guy in Idaho who thought cryptocurrency would allow him to evade government rules. But I can see why anyone would dream of being able to create cash from thin air. That it's people who complain our dollars aren't backed by gold anymore makes it all the more suspicious, Ron Paul...
@12thRITS It’s a ponzi scheme, so all you need is a good-enough, meme-able story. The fact that the mafia and ransomware extortioners might use it is an added bonus.
@12thRITS This is an incredible factual analysis of the state of crypto and why it is so bullocks: https://blog.dshr.org/2022/02/ee380-talk.html
Na verdade há um grupo de pessoas que percebe bastante de matemática e um bom bocado sobre comportamento humano e que fez bastante dinheiro no início da bitcoin. Infelizmente não fui eu ;)
@joanagsa too, I was looking forward to learning more about your foundation.
@12thRITS what would dark blue, purple and dark green be?
@12thRITS Oh, that is WONDERFUL!
@12thRITS This is sublime.
@12thRITS Bingo (would be funnier if I could find the Bitcoin emoji to replace the B)
@12thRITS If you add a circle about people who _do_ know something about Ponzi schemes, make sure it's completely disjoint from that bitcoin slice.
@12thRITS Pahahah! Oh yes! Snorts out her nose!
@12thRITS Per @pluralistic 's Red Team Blues - that diagram is missing Money Launderers, Drug Kingpins and other would be Al Capone's...
@pyperkub @12thRITS @pluralistic
With this font, you can't tell if AI is short for Artificial Intelligence or a nickname for Albert, Alfred, Alan or Alfonse.
@12thRITS Lottery tickets can be placed in the intersection of ~investing and ~math.