ANYONE in the media or politics who screeched about Biden’s age and cognitive faculties — but who is turning a blind eye to Trump’s age and cognitive faculties — is someone I will NEVER trust or watch or read EVER again.
@tristansnell thats going to be a long list. But it's nice when people self-identify as MAGAs
@tristansnell I'm really pleasantly surprised how passing the nom over to Kamala Harris was so warmly embraced and reinvigorated the democrats... But still, I think the media was overreacting about Biden's poor debate performance. I'm optimistic about things, but... "Come on, man!" *Joe Biden voice*
@tristansnell It's hilarious to me that the DNC caved on Biden's age (born 1942) but Pelosi (born 1940) is still in office, and poised to die there like Feinstein (born 1933) did.
Call me old fashioned, but I'd like the politicians making decisions for America's future to have some skin in the game. If they are too proud to retire at 72, let 'em work as advisors.
Gee, Nancy, I wonder why?
That seems logical, rational ... and prudent!
@tristansnell I never trust anyone.
I have a similar thing about respect.
Might be generational; regardless, separate definitions muddy the waters:
Respect (for leadership) is earned, vs respect (basic dignity) is required.
“Respect mah authority!” compared to
“Respect someone’s human rights.”
Idk how my distinctions compare with trust, but I think I agree with your point as well.
@MxVerda @tristansnell exactly that!
That pretty much covers the @GOP and most of the media.
..there is far too much "news" media right now that nobody should ever watch or read.
@tristansnell So basically all of corporate media then?