We can have one of two things — but not both.
We can either have a society that tolerates (celebrates?) millionaires and billionaires polluting the planet and destroying the biosphere...
Or we can have a planet with a healthy biosphere but with fewer millionaires and NO billionaires at all.
Your choice.
@breadandcircuses I made that decision 45 years ago. Unlike me, society, particularly American society, chose millionaires, billionaires, and destruction. Lose, lose, lose. Yay me. Yay comrades and fellow travelers. I will continue anti-billionaire-and-destruction 'til I die. Maybe some billionaires will be taken out before I go. I do not expect the destruction to end.
@tinydoctor @breadandcircuses Even without the problem of climate change, the extreme concentration of wealth is unsustainable for many other reasons. And on top of that, it sucks.
@d10c4n3 @breadandcircuses Indeed. When Reagan beat Carter in 1980 I felt we were most likely cooked. The rotisserie keeps revolving.
@breadandcircuses The path we are on was predicted decades ago and I was writing essays about it for my Freshman Composition course at University in 1977.