@simsa03 As you can see from the screen cap, according to Nate Silver's estimate, Trump won the vote by a margin of 1.4 percent. Trump won because 8.6 million people who voted in 2020 did not vote in 2024. I think it is probable that Harris would have won had those people voted. Of course I was wrong to think Harris would win, so why listen to me? I think many Americans will succumb or least do a go along get along. Not all. We'll see. Do you think I'll "unify" with the Dear Leader? I hope not.
@simsa03 Or am I kidding myself?
@simsa03 Els and I are trying to plan and act fast, because we expect it to get bad fast. To save our daughter and grandchildren first, then ourselves. We may make it, we may not. Maybe we will being throwing heils along with the rest. We are on the edge of many fates. Watch the step, it's the end of a diving board.
@simsa03 There's a Hasidic saying (can't remember the specific rabbi): "If you're falling, dive."
@simsa03 Yes, I remember Robert Bly. More for his earlier poetry tho.
@simsa03 Bly was part of the generation of poets I started reading in the 70s. Kinnell, Plath, Simic, Levine, Rukeyser, Rich, Levertov, Berryman... some older, some younger, but more or less the same cohort. All dead now, I think.
@simsa03 Yes, I read Beagle, White, Tolkien, just a bit earlier. My Uncle Jim was a voracious reader. He bought and read books in paperback, and every so often, every month or too, he'd drop off a cardboard box of paperbacks he'd finished, and then I read them. This was late 60s, early 70s. Which was good, mom would only let me check out like ten books from the library every two weeks.