Swans have killed grown adults. They're very territorial and can capsize small boats.
@violetmadder @RustyBertrand I've been in a fight with swans. They knocked a friend to the ground and I had to wade in. Vicious fuckers.
Pretty pretty little dinosaurs.
@tinydoctor @violetmadder I remember people in India used flocks of geese as guard dogs. They come at you heads down, screeching like banshees.
Also territorial as fuck, and fear NOTHING.
Roosters, similarly brutal. If big enough would definitely eat us. Nowhere near as smart as a goose though. The goose has MALICE.
@violetmadder @tinydoctor
And teeth on their tounges.
*The angled spikes are actually cartilage, called tomia.
THAT is what happened to this swimmer dude's scalp, and why he's drenched in his own blood.