#GoodMorning #Cycling was pretty much impossible today. Straight up dangerous, so I just took the #KidsOnBikes to school and called it a day… Kids had fun, though…
#Bicycle #Bici #Bicicleta #Ciclismo #Velo #Fahrrad #Rower #Wahoo #Wahooligan #Velominati #LifeBehindBars #Poznan #LookMomNoHands #DadOnBike #Snow #Winter #SRAM #AXS #Eagle #Fizik #ASMR #BikeToot #BikeTooter @cycling @rower
@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower Dropbars in slush feels sketchy as hell but usually works better than expected.
@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower Looks like fun. I've bicycled in such weather too, but much worst (see video). That was not fun bicycle weather! But the amount of snow that you have, yes, looks like fun
Do you use studded tyres?
@edgren I've been out last night as well and it was indeed fun in the fresh snow.
The moment it got trampled and ran down by cars, it has become unrideable... There are patches of nice, but then you get waves of ice...
I run 2" Contis Terra Trail, which I should at least swap front/rear...
@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower Yeah, ice is the worst. Very common where I live.
How well does your tyres grip in the snow? I mean, in the long term.
@edgren Couldn't really tell, we've had like 2 days of snow in the last year's end and 2 days this year.
Yesterday it's been fine, but only on fresh snow. I could force the rear wheel to spin on acceleration, though.
They are definitely good in dry, like sand, gravel. A bit worse in mud, as they can skid sideways.
@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower Oh, ok.
Yeah, they looked kind of slippery Be careful out there.
@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower I'm impressed that you dare riding with those skinny tires in snow. I'm barley brave enough to ride a bike like that in the summer. :D
@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower Well. I'm a, err.. mountaineer. :D I currently run 2.35" tires, which feels like a good compromise between comfort and efficiency. They do feel a bit skinny though, and I wouldn't dare adventuring out on anything too technical.
I don't know if I dare to watch your other movies. I'm not that much into scary movies. ;)