Hey #MobileLinux community, #Postmarketos community, #PinePhone community, etc, I've found that pmOS doesn't seem to have an APKBUILD for signal-desktop, so I've gone ahead and tried to make one. I ain't got a working build of signal-desktop yet on my pinephone, but I've been able to successfully build signal-desktop. just that it won't run on command line for me on the actual pinephone, getting some errors... https://git.sr.ht/~bakerk98/my_aarch64_pinephone_pmos_builds/tree/master/item/signal-desktop #Signal
How to build? pmbootstrap newapkbuild signal-desktop. Edit that file it says it made and paste in that APKBUILD and relevant files, then pmbootstrap checksum signal-desktop, then pmbootstrap build signal-desktop --arch aarch64 and finally you can push it to your pinephone with pmbootstrap sideload --host pinephoneIP --user pinephoneuser --arch aarch64 signal-desktop
Help me spread the word cuz I need all the help I can get with this monster lol electron is rough!
@skirtreter187 Quick question:
Why not use the Flatpak-Version from https://elagost.com/flatpak/
Just a question, since I guess that I don't understand the problem right now...
@zeroday ... I did not know about this. I think now its sunken cost, but I'll check out the flatpak, too, thank you!
@skirtreter187 as long as we are learning something, it is worth the time and effort =P
@skirtreter187 Oh wow, TIL you can use pmbootstrap to build and sideload packages. Nice! Thank you!