@whvholst@rysiek Well, i have an... 'organization' that has been 'a bit brief' with an art.15 request. And now that i have the decission they made, I am wondering what I can do to actually make them like... follow the law.
@whvholst@rysiek And i kind of assume i need to take them to court. Hence... the lawyer. ;-). Especially as the org is know to... try to ignore the law as long as possible. And wind itself out with any sleezy trick possible.
@tfiebig@rysiek At least complain with them as well as the Dutch DPA. Going to court *is* a possibility, but *expensive* and I cannot help you with that.
@whvholst@rysiek Well, from what I heard the DPA will do nothing, and I would first have to dance through the formal hoops before the DPA can do anything, no?
@tfiebig@rysiek No, the DPA does not require you to go to court, but they do require you (without a basis in law) to file a complaint with the data controller first. And even then they still may not give priority to your case and just close it.