Some teenagers sprayed a giant anarchy symbol on the side of the liquor store in our middle class neighborhood beside a church and a bustling shopping center. It’s the biggest and most obnoxious one I’ve ever seen, and I love it because every time I drive by with my family we all start screaming “ANNNAARRRCHHYYYYY DDDUUUUDDDEEE!!!” in the car together. I’m going to miss making fun of it when it’s eventually scrubbed.
We have a great grafitti made around here. Cannabis leaves with an angry face. It’s been there for as long as I can remember, ever since I was a kid, like probably 30+ years. All of the other walls get painted over, but not this one. The grafitti is really good, I mean really good. I don’t think anyone has the heart to paint over it, and I’m glad, it’s kind of like a monument now.
I’d love to see it!
I think I have a pic, but I’m not sure where Android saved it . I’ll definitely make one tomorrow or the day after, we pass by it all the time.
Keep in mind, this is a 90’s graffiti. Yes, it’s cool looking, but there might be better ones today. Still, it’s cool . 24 hours
Make one for 12 hours, it’s 2AM here now . 12 hours
@0x4E4F Ok, I will remind you on Wednesday Apr 10, 2024 at 4:43 AM PDT.