For anyone who hasn't heard the text-to-speech on the Mantis Q40 #braille display but would like to, here are some usage examples.
@jscholes Oh... My.
@jscholes I can't believe Acapella is still this terrible in 2025.
@masonasons @jscholes Sounds like they're still using the older generation of those voices. They haven't been updated in years. The company is focused on their AI voices.
@ppatel @masonasons @jscholes they're over bluetooth, too, aren't they?
I can't imagine the lag would be acceptable for me as a touch-typist. I struggle with larger voices generally due to the delays they introduce on older hardware.
@cachondo Yes, Bluetooth only with the lag being as painful as you might expect. I thought about mixing my microphone in so you could hear the keypresses and gauge responsiveness, but didn't bother in the end. @ppatel @masonasons
@jscholes @cachondo @masonasons Another reason not to use the voices on those devices. I can only tollerate them either via direct wired connection or through Airpods on iOS devices.