I see people on the way to jail, leaving jail, and in jail all the time. When I’m treating them folks in the ER, they are usually just people. Take them out of stripes and you’d have no idea they were entangled in the legal system.
This is a “no shit” statement for a few of y’all, but I need to say it. Here’s why: right now a whole lot of Americans are saying “yeah, but those rows of shirtless, bent over, shaven-headed guys in El Salvador were bad guys”.
Maybe. Maybe not. You could be next.
I don't believe it for a second. They already tried yelling "Tren de Aragua!" and only rounded up random Venezuelans. They appear to be too incompetent to catch actual criminals, and to make up for it they lie and violate random innocent people's rights. The Tren de Aragua gang exists and it's bad, Biden's administration acknowledged that, but they don't scare me half as much as this lawless administration.
It can and will be any of us next.
@mcnado And there's a reason they're doing everything they can to take away everything that makes those people human, making them look as same as they can.
@mcnado Point is, nobody knows who they are.Could be anybody Krasnov dislikes
And it wouldn't matter if they were.
When the state frees itself of the obligation of substantiating their incarceration of an individual, we don’t know who the hell is in jail not unless you saw them do something yourself Do you have a reason to form an opinion nobody not you not I nobody is in a position to say squat.
That’s why the state has to prove itself in front of a court or at least to a judge
@mcnado We really need to get over the whole “good guys/bad guys” mentality. We’re not 12 and life is complicated.
@ReneeWestberry @mcnado not all of us mature much past twelve, clearly.
@mcnado Well said.
Most likely, we'll never know even who, nevermind if those people being treated as less than human are US citizens, green card holders or not. We won't know because the president and his cronies are evil incarnate.
Cruelty is the point
@mcnado Law enforcement labels people as "gang members" as loosely as intelligence agencies label anti-American groups as terrorist organizations.
@mcnado the only reason they look like “bad guys” is cuz we took their shirts, shaved them, and told them to keep their heads down
@mcnado "You could be next" - check out Martin Niemöller's quote: https://www.azquotes.com/author/20566-Martin_Niemoller
@mcnado the real issue is: that not only is Trump disobeying judge orders, on top of that he is trying to actively remove the judge. This is a direct attack on the system of checks and balances the US has set up to prevent dictators from taking over. The details of the deportation case are irrelevant here. They may be criminals. It may be a good call BUT THE JUDGE HAS TO DECIDE THIS, NOT TRUMP
@mcnado - not even the "bad guys" should be subjected to the brutality of El Salvador's prisons imho, that to me crosses the line of "cruel and unusual punishment" prohibited in the 8th Amendment.
@mcnado That dark blob tells me that most of them are just unlucky
@martinvermeer @mcnado
Huh, looks like the UK is the Greenland of prison data!
@mcnado First they came for…
They're calling a normal protestor an antisemitic Hamas terrorist, even though he's on record flatly rejecting antisemitism and is not alleged to have committed any crimes, much less violent ones.
My resulting assumption is that anything the Trump administration and their lackeys say is the diametric opposite of the truth. Which is why they're deliberately avoiding all judicial oversight which might ascertain the truth.
@mcnado you are right
@mcnado Trump administration says ‘many’ Venezuelans deported to El Salvador prison have no criminal record https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-el-salvador-prison-deported-b2717582.html
If there's no due process for "bad guys" but the way to tell if the guys the cops round up are actually bad is due process, you're functionally back to the days of denouncing people for witchcraft.
@mcnado this is the whole point of "due process" - without it, there's no way to know
@mcnado marching them like that hunched over seems particularly cruel
@mcnado Dehumanizing people is part of the problem. White middle and rich class = "I'm a better person. I deserve what I have. If they're poor that's not my problem." Boys end up in gangs because they never had a chance in this corrupt exploitive capitalist system with no social supports, no equitable distribution of wealth, not even access to decent funded schools.
What's happening right now is only about skin colour and a bunch of ignorant jacked up cowboys running the show.
I am having a real hard time digesting that the people of ElSalvador after the US support of its brutal long dictatorship are allowing such atrocity to take place on their land.
Once a banana republic always a banana republic, mass murderers walk till their old age with US Jus.dept protection