@lowqualityfacts They’re hunted because they’re great with cream cheese and lox.
Ethiopian wolf
African Wild Dog
Darwin’s Fox
bush dog
maned wolf
Sechura fox
short-eared dog
island fox
@lowqualityfacts I met 4 Beagles whilst walking with Señor Perro today. Rare moments to cherish (although Señor Perro was none too happy that we shared his treats with them).
@lowqualityfacts saw a working Beagle at Narita airport last week. It was insistent about sniffing people’s luggage.
Are you sure you not confusing them with Bald eagles?
That’s because they plop down on those lists and work to keep people away from them.
#Loyal #ProtectAllSpecies
@lowqualityfacts tasty, tasty beagles…
@lowqualityfacts And bloodhounds are the only dogs that can find their own butt in a blizzard.
@lowqualityfacts Beagles only have enough blood to run either their brain or their tail and 90% of the time its the tail.
What about Old Yeller?
It's all those cigarettes that did it!