I once slept for 11 hours and when I woke up my cats looked extremely disappointed that they wouldn't get to devour me.
@lowqualityfacts I had to read it twice before understanding it's the *owner* who would have to sleep for 12 hours straight and not the cats.
@lowqualityfacts Well, if they can't wake you (so they can be fed), then they need to eat something!
@lowqualityfacts my cat eats me all the time, sleeping or not...
@lowqualityfacts Impossible! In a Cat-Human-Relation the cat always is the owner and the human the posession!
My cat won't let me sleep for 4 hours uninterrupted. I think at some point he'll just try eating me while I'm awake.
@lowqualityfacts I know a paramedic who was called to a home where the cat owner overslept. She now does not like cats. To be fair to cats, we are made of meat. If my cat were made of chocolate could I resist?
@muerk @lowqualityfacts I know someone who did "removals" for the city to the morgue. He still likes cats, but only because it was something he already expected. The horror movie-like expulsion of flies from the mouth, not so much expected.
@lowqualityfacts mine doesn't even wait one hour. I try to stay awake as long as I can, drinking coffee, taking pills... Lots of pills...
Freddy can go knit himself another sweater: this is much more terrifying.
It's been 23 days now, and my cat is keeping his eyes on me. Waiting for the moment my eyelids drop from fatigue.
I'm afraid.
Please help me. HELP ME!
(no animals or humans have been harmed during the writing of this toot)
The question is... How do you get a cat to sleep for twelve hours?
@lowqualityfacts I might sleep for a really long time, but I've never been straight for 12 hours, so I think I'm safe...
@lowqualityfacts who sleeps? The cats or their ‘owners’’? It’s a trick! Nobody ‘owns’ a cat. The opposite is almost certainly true!