Sorry to get political but schools should probably have books
@lolennui Or they will be spending a lot of time calling the psychic hotline.
@lolennui woke mob alert
Sounds like communist propaganda to me, comrade.
Alarm bells should be ringing when one party wants to take books *out* of classrooms, but put cops and guns *in*
@TCatInReality Feels like any time someone is found to be a member of the guns-instead-of-books-in-classrooms party they should be escorted off the premises posthaste and told in no uncertain terms never to return.
weird take I know
Yeah, as unpopular as my view that we'll have safer and smarter kids with more books and fewer guns (anywhere).
It would help too if they all had sufficient food and health care and their parents made a livable wage and had complete control over when to have them.
@TCatInReality @Almafeta
Haven’t you gotten the memo ?
The rich have robots, so human labor is an unnecessary expense.
They now have AI, so intelligence is becoming an unnecessary expense.
When the “Terminator” scenario happens, the only resistance will be rich, spoiled lazy people. But I doubt it will be a war….I am betting on more of a “Wally”.
@PJLavatai @Almafeta
Watch Love, Death + Robots for one possible outcome of that.
@TCatInReality @lolennui
I have found that the homes I visit (family, friends), have a preponderance of one of two things. One will have an actual library of books, the other will have an arsenal.
I do not revisit the latter.
@TCatInReality @lolennui Alarms? No... way too late for that... at this point you call the fire department (in other words you do something about it).
Pretty good call. I support this. lol
@lolennui Kowledge is power and we can’t have that. #BookBanning is much like #BookBurning
@lolennui it seems DeSantis doesn't know the difference between education and indoctrination. Because he's been indoctrinated. Someone should tell him he can read a book and make up his own mind after he has considered a new perspective. Many before me have pointed out that that kind of conservative is afraid of ideas. #Fahrenheit451
@JoelBarr @lolennui
Books are important because they have been written throughout most of human history. When I want to gather opinions on a political or societal situation, I can listen not only to current voices, but hear the opinions of men who lived through the same scenarios two thousand years ago. I value the opinions of men like Epectitus, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius very highly indeed. There is nothing new under the Sun.
@PJLavatai @lolennui I agree and I've always been a big fan of the classics. Some good up better than others, but great thinkers like Marcus Aurelius have stayed around because they tap into some universal truths, or at least human truths.
@lolennui thoughts and prayers not good enough for ya, huh?
@lolennui "but if we have books that means that the children might LEARN at a SCHOOL...we can't have that" ~fascists
@lolennui Totally agree!
@lolennui One day they’ll push for the Bible to be the only book.
@Sh4d0w_H34rt @lolennui
the more you read
the more things you will know
the more you learn
the more places you'll go
Dr Seuss
Books, even the digital kind, are essential.
I still go the library from time to time.
There would be no human meaningful evolution without books.
It's not political or elitist, it's smart
Nothing political in that.
All political in depriving schools of books.
@lolennui …and teach History!
@lolennui easy now... Don't rush...
@lolennui you mean for the pyre, right?
@lolennui Too controversial. Please put such post with a Content Warning next time /s
@lolennui as an educator of 20+ years the problem is students don’t know how to turn the book on.
@booknerdcarp @lolennui yea what we REALLY need is to make even harder on the kids to learn and discover who they are ….
Maybe some reverse, psychological learning will actually get the kids to read some books .
@booknerdcarp @lolennui oh cool, didn’t realize you weren’t being sarcastic ha. Nice to know this is a thing now.
@lolennui but books lead to "empathy" and "thinking" and that makes people vote wrong.
@lolennui More books. Less guns. #morebookslessguns
@lolennui @JulieLerman what a crazy idea!
@lolennui Communist! Next you’re going to claim that no one student or teacher should own all the books, and no one should rent them back to the rest of the class…
@lolennui I'd like to point out that same people who complain about "inappropriate books" don't have parental controls on their home wifi...
@lolennui crazy talk!
That sounds pretty radical to me. And, in the words of Supertramp which the GOP would probably approve of:
Oh, won't you sign up your name? We'd like to feel you're acceptable
Respectable, oh, presentable, a vegetable."
@ClaireCopperman @lolennui ...reminding us that this is not a recently identified problem.
Wringing our hands and despair, even when understandable, have been tried unsuccessfully.
Let's apply philosophy instead, since it takes wise people to acknowledge the wisdom and power in knowledge, to continually ensure their numbers in or out of schools and to recognize & support the few who decide to engage politically
@lolennui That shouldn't even be a political viewpoint, just a practical one.
STOP Being political!. /Sarcastic
@DXMacGuffin @lolennui this is a disturbingly literal image
@lolennui It's a sad state of affairs when schools having books is considered political.
@lolennui buying books for the littles is now a revolutionary act. Please participate.
@lolennui @ValkyrieKerry (this is my main account I just want to find you in it)
@lolennui book banning has never ended well.
@ValkyrieKerry @lolennui And the funny thing is that the book banners are always paranoid that someone is trying to ban their favorite books...
@lolennui Let's get really crazy. Schools should actually teach things that really happened.
@lolennui not sure why. It isn't as if conservatives read.
@lolennui that's a novel idea