#art #history: sometimes it's nice to draw someone just because her mug is so bloody marvellous...but debbie harry (born #otd in 1945) is much more than a pretty face.
although she made her debut in miami, she's more strongly identified with the big apple. her adoptive parents were from new jersey, you see, so she grew up there & escaped to NYC in 1965. [short thread - &, yes, i DID have to do multiple variations!]
#debbieHarry #portrait #illustration #music #blondie #newWave #punk
I always say about Debbie Harry, Penelope Cruz, and Naomi Campbell: I'm gay Gen Z, but I'm not blind
@MusiqueNow excellent. :) debbie's definitely got universal crossover appeal.
@MusiqueNow ps: thanks for all the boosts! <3
yes, all 3 of them do.
Funny story: Considering my dad is jealous of EVERY hot dude in the world ( he expresses it by making snarky jokes), he admitted '#KeanuReeves, if I was like that'.
I forgot to mention, Debbie Harry's also part of the queer community. I never knew that before.
@MusiqueNow she is, indeed. what a well-rounded human being.
Yeah, I watched some video on youtube about queer musicians a few days ago, and was pleasantly surprised she was on the list.
@MusiqueNow gotta' credit your da for his openness. i don't know who my dad fancied. maybe duke ellington, come to think of it. :)