619: Master Plan to Take Over the World
Disk-cloning drama, recognizing obscene waveforms, Storacusa progress, and the plug-in-hybrid life.
@atpfm That question about "recents" in the Finder really threw me, because not only is it not a new folder, but (unless I'm misremembering) for years now when setting up a new Mac or a new user, it's the default folder that the Finder opens to
@odin @atpfm yes, Recents is the default Finder view (in Icon mode), and it’s infuriating to me. I’m sure Apple has all of the market research in the world to show that (relatively) no one know how to use Finder, navigate the file structure, create hierarchies, etc. So im sure they discovered that most people don’t know and don’t care where their files are ( like OS), so they just gave in and said “fine, here’s a Recents list. Change the default view if you want, but we know 90% of you won’t”.
@odin @atpfm But, it pains me that it’s just an admission of “giving up” on trying to get normal people to understand computers. In the end, I guess I’m shocked that the “age of the PC” was so short, and Gen Alpha and beyond are just going to view PCs as larger, more confusing versions of phones and tablets.