2023-12-02 Visual Inspiration prompt.
Someone says hello from Down Under
Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... whatever it inspires you to do!
To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag
—Damn Japanese cars!
<That's an American classic, you idiot!>
—American cars have the steering wheel on the left! Where the hell did you steal this crap?
<From your mother's>
—I have no mother, you bastard! I pawned her! Hahahahaha!!!
<You need medication. Where are yow now?>
—I can see NY's skyline.
<Good. Call me when you're there. Out.>
Yeah. Right. He did not call. He went straight to sleep. He crossed the Atlantic Desert in just 29 days…
@ixtlidekami it was not clear to me if he was talking with someone else or was his inner self or else. But still fun!
Neither does he. He's receiving updated info in the weather and how the dunes change, but after 29 days in that damn desert, he doesn't really know what's real and what's not. Every traveler suffers this. They all need time to rest after driving the almost 6000km between Spain and NY. That damn desert changes all the time. And let's not talk about the bandits, pirates, sand killer-whales, and his ex-wife. They all want to end his life…>=)