@grickle This hurts me, and I would frame it.
@grickle I love how the cat looks more annoyed/angry than worried.
@grickle - well that's me crying in recognition.
@grickle I love this. I would read this story but I also understand that the infinite options in my head of what got them to this moment and what may happen as they walk is what makes this so good.
@grickle And if we have to fall,
We’ll fall together
The Temper Trap - Fall Together
@grickle the long road of who gets hungriest first, and who gets eaten first.
The pig and cat will first try to eat the other about 3 days in, but neither will succeed.
Eventually the dog will eat both, but if the pig or cat was a bit bigger, a different outcome.
Maybe some vegetation along the long road will allow the pig to pork up and overpower first the cat, then the dog.
Who bit the feeding hand? I'm thinking it was the cat, yet they all pay with banishment & cannibalism/death.
3 Cheers for sticking together, Grickle!
@grickle do you know the animation film Le grand méchant renard et autres contes? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Big_Bad_Fox_and_Other_Tales
@luciledt Indeed I do! I LOVE Benjamin Renner's work in comics and film! Fantastic cartoonist!