If you've wondered what the rainbow pentagon thing is on here, it's the Fediverse logo
It's a public domain design, you can use it for any purpose, there's a high quality copy at:
Technically there can never be an official logo as there's no central authority on the Fediverse, but this is by far the most widely used symbol of this place.
It represents all the different kinds of servers that make up this shared network. (More info: https://fedi.tips/what-other-kinds-of-servers-are-on-the-fediverse/)
@feditips rainbow theme has been ruined unfortunately. when I was kid it was just a pretty and innocent thing. maybe meant hope or dreams. but in recent years its been adopted to mean certain very specific sexual and political things. which are not as wholesome or as easy to accept for everybody, let alone SFW
I think love between consenting adults is very wholesome
I know this may be a challenging concept for some people depending on their background and upbringing, but the reality of it is usually much more reassuring and friendly than the sensationalist/misleading images used in certain conservative parts of the media.