You can use Mastodon's "Filters" feature to automatically hide or block posts containing specific words, phrases or hashtags.
To access the feature:
1. Log in through your server's website
2. Go to
3. Click on Filters (on mobile this is in the ☰ menu, on desktop this is on the left of the screen)
4. Click on the Add New Filter button
5. Choose your filter's settings, then click Save New Filter
For more details on filter settings, see this guide:
@feditips buhbye, Twitter reposts :)
@feditips Q on filters, are they case sensitive?
From the tips link: "You can add the filtered words and phrases in the Keywords section at the bottom. They aren’t case sensitive."
@feditips I'm looking forward to this feature getting better.
I'm sure users would definitely like filters to act on posts by specific accounts and not others. And I'm sure they would like filters to be able to filter out everything *except* posts that match a given filter.
It seems obvious that this whole filtering feature will be one of the crown jewels of the fediverse that set it apart from for-profit social networks. Users will undoubtedly be able to exercise a high degree of control over their various timelines. I'm very much looking forward to it!