Creative Commons fans, which licence should I use for the tips published by this account?
@feditips CC-BY if you want credit. Add -NC if you want to make sure nobody tries to profit from them. That's the basic ones.
Should I just leave it as it is, and informally encourage people to make their own?
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, if you write an article out of, then you could claim intellectual property on the exact wording - but the content of your article would still be legal to share.
So, this might be a good reason to have a Sharealike clause? To prevent anyone claiming they have copyright?
That's up to you.
I don't think it's likely that someone will take your tips, then share them but also forbid anyone else from sharing them AND make sure no-one knows you're sharing them too.
That's the attribution clause though?
I mean sharealike as in they have to use CC licence too?
Oh, I misunderstood.
You can use that, but consider it no guarantee since it's already questionable whether the tips are licensable at all.
Thinking of something like this:
"Basic instructions are public domain, any copyright which may exist for my texts is licensed under CC-By-SA"
...or something along those lines?
Just something so that anyone wanting to use it in a libre project knows they have permission even without rephrasing.