This is seven years old. But I don't think the principle has changed.
@fatsam Our health care system is a massive market failure, and we’re so terrified of “socialism” that we refuse to admit it.
@fatsam Does this take into account how much the Tories have gutted NHS funding over the years?
@ducksauz seven years of missing fuckery old, so not really.
That only works because the UK government owned all the hospitals and employed the doctors. As we have found in Australia as soon as you introduce private companies into the mix the costs skyrocket.
@fatsam people have to get that healthcare is expensive BECAUSE everyone is not covered, and doctors and hospitals have to write off those costs and charge EVERYONE ELSE. We're ALREADY PAYING for everyone to have healthcare, we're just not doing it right.
People get sicker because they don't have coverage when they are younger, and then need MORE care when they are older because of it.
Proper prenatal care, regular checkups for all, and an emphasis on preventative care would go a LONG way.
@fatsam It also works out cheaper as the general population's health improves, and people can work without having to save for huge medical bills while sick, etc