I welcome the representation of older, more distinguished catfolk in the media
@exelia_antonov I'm all for Cat Milfs
@exelia_antonov@mstdn.social Heisenberg catboy, what ?
@exelia_antonov Gordon doesnt need to hear all about this, he's a professional catboy!
@Teh404Gal *Gman voice* Gordon Freecat, in the flesh
@exelia_antonov or should i say in the catboy suit
@Teh404Gal I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons; most of them were government property. As for the suit? I think you’ve earned it
@exelia_antonov I love those! IDK if I'd say "distinguished" but they're pretty great.
@exelia_antonov CatMILFs! CatMILFs!
@exelia_antonov The M in MILF stands for Meow. "Meow I'm Literally Feline."
@exelia_antonov @eclairwolf Dr. T’ana!
(I know it’s not really what you meant but I couldn’t resist her perfectly cheerful and youthful appearance.)
@exelia_antonov @eclairwolf I love how they do her character. She's the grizzled angry doctor who's seen everything and your Andorian slugdick infection is just not that big of a deal, stop being a baby. *hypospray psssh*
and also she's an actual cat and does realistic (and of course funny) cat things and she's just treated like "oh time to chase dr. t'ana through the conduits again”.
@hakirsch @eclairwolf I'm about 80% sure that T'Ana once overheard some other Caitians complaining behind closed doors about the smoothskinned races spreading lies about their species because of the feline resemblance, and was like wait, I can misbehave and get away with it because humans don't know better about Caitians? fuck yeah! goblin mode cat life is a go!
@exelia_antonov The fellow sitting with the drink in his hand is Walter White from the series Breaking Bad. Probably from the last or 2nd to last episode of the series.
@exelia_antonov You should meet the Crystal Exarch sometime. #FFXIV
@the_gneech his aging wasn't really natural tho. he's got a terminal case of crystalitis, and it's slowly killing him. it's doing a number on his skin so he just looks older
But yes I do know him quite well
@exelia_antonov Well yes and no, he was also something like 5000 years old at that point. ^.^'
@the_gneech IIRC he basically froze himself shortly after entering CT. the far-future engineers excavating CT awakened him, and he was awake for maybe 20-30 years before he went to the First? and then on the First of course was only 100 years
like, at the end when we go get G'raha's body back out of CT, he was already frozen
@exelia_antonov I think it was a lot longer before going into the first, he talks about transporting the tower being a multi-generational effort. But I'd have to look it up to be sure.
@the_gneech well it was multiple generations of Biggs being in charge of Garlond Ironworks and doing research, definitely. but I think they only awoke him near the end. and yeah same it's been along time since I read that story
doesn't matter, got catboy
@the_gneech BUT ALSO, if we do want to talk about older catmen, we got Chai-Nuzz out of that expansion too
@exelia_antonov Excellent point. Not to mention Runar and Magnus.
@exelia_antonov Uh... Can I be someones older cat crush?
@exelia_antonov in case anyone's wondering, the anime in the second image is "In the Land of Leadale." Apparently an isekai with a female protagonist. I don't know much else as I haven't seen it.
@exelia_antonov Is it appropriate to call a catwoman a "cougar"?
@NicolaElle arguably I would say cougar is a specific subspecies of catwoman
@exelia_antonov Xe are here for this.
@exelia_antonov where are the cat enbies ?
@pwassonchat I don't have any distinguishedly aged examples of them, sorry