4 years to the day after George Floyd was murdered, here's where we are:
* Racist people are just as racist as the day before George Floyd was murdered.
* Black people are still asking for the exact same things.
* "Liberal" and "Centrist" white Americans are *more* racist, and *less* supportive of DEI than they were the day before George Floyd.
* Police budgets have grown *faster* than they did the day before George Floyd.
* Biden has undone any of the gains made during the protests.
* progressive DAs have been recalled, and NYC has 1000s of more cops than it had before.
* Entire DEI programs have been shut down at major universities.
* The FBI basically rebooted COINTELPRO, labelling and surveilling young black people who participated in the BLM protests as "Black identity extremists."
* There has been no meaningful legislation passed to identify cops like Chauvin before they commit murder, and remove them from service. There's been no meaningful change in accountability
Folks didn't understand at the time, but they'll understand me now: Every "racial equity commitment" I was involved in, was built to last and to sustain beyond the short term emotions of folk. I don't do hashtags, or chalk on the street, or anything that's impermanent. Because I didn't believe that the emotions would last.
Now the hashtags are gone, and the chalk has washed away.
Like I said, I don't know what a "racial equity moment" is. I was Black last year. I'll be Black next year.
@mekkaokereke I'm sorry so many of us are so fickle, "foul weather friends", and that we can be so cavalier about promising ally-ship.