so what's about to happen is that I'm going to begin a Unit Plan this week that isn't supposed to be taught until the end of the year. but this way fits better with my approach to writing and I can use more material from last year if I just roll the same way (our curriculum dept made an arbitrary change to the pacing guide).
hopefully I won't have to ask for forgiveness until I'm too far in to turn around, because I sure as shit aint asking for permission
@seanwithwords Sometimes forgiveness is easier to obtain than permission. I sometimes juggle units (and even objectives) to better meet students needs. I teach at a private school which affords me a little more breathing room, but still.
@athena_rising our public school has so many rules and restrictions, but there's very little oversight. I've always sort of taken pride in drawing outside the lines, & I've always been flexible with "required" content
but this year I was trying! I followed about 25% of the guide last year & I was hoping that I'd be able to follow it more this year, but they switched things & made it even worse
I'm apprehensive about starting tomorrow bc once I do, I can't turn back. but it'll work out :)
@seanwithwords Hope it all goes well. And yeah, I push those boundaries more than a little myself. Results scream for themselves, though, so I’ve not had any major issues.