Recent study of 30 different tampons found all contained the 16 metal(oids) they were tested for. 100M women worldwide use tampons but we are only just now studying their potential toxicity. Why? Public health has been biased to ignore women's health.
Points well said and taken, but in the typography
> 100M women worldwide
This is a guesstimate of only inside the United States? This is counting girls and women aged 12..50yo? From ~330M people in the USA we have ~170M women & girls of whom ~100M are aged 12..50yo? 70% adoption would be 70M people
More like 2000M women & girls worldwide? 40% adoption would be 800M people
@amydiehl and they tried to blame toxic shock syndrome on us not changing out often enough.
@kimlockhartga @amydiehl That was my first thought too.
@TheJen @kimlockhartga @amydiehl
Same product, different scandal. (Another scandal - micro plastic - has also been mentioned in the thread.)
@amydiehl exactly. Somehow all these drugs like viagra for men…
@amydiehl so many of the micro / nano plastics we consume come from synthetic fibers. They get inserted in health products (like in this study), inhaled in dust & lint, etc
@amydiehl women's health is the black sheep of the entire medical establishment. From heart disease and stroke to anxiety and depression to obviously sanitary products. Disgusting ignorance here.
@amydiehl what is even crazier (if this is the same study I read a few months ago) even organic feminine products have heavy metals like lead, etc.,.
@amydiehl Which also raises the question of how many of us have developed cancer, had hysterectomies, and/or died because periods are icky and men don't want to think about them, so getting research funding is difficult.
@amydiehl Does anyone know with confidence what tampon options exist that are not contaminated with toxic metals? My partner hasn't easily been able to find info on this.
FDA study is good progress but knowingly being subjected to this for a year or more while it takes place is brutal.
@amydiehl Huh, and I thought I was using a cup and reusable pads purely for comfort and no waste
@amydiehl all 30 contained all 16 compounds?
@amydiehl answering my own question with the "nuance" I could find:
"All of the metals we assessed were present in quantifiable concentrations in tampons (Table 2). For 12 out of the 16 metals, we found concentrations greater than the MDL in 100 % of tampon samples. For Hg, Cr, As, and Se, we found concentrations above the MDL in 8.3 %, 10 %, 95 %, and 98.3 % of tampon samples"
@amydiehl The neglect for safety in common items is not strictly by gender. They still sell peanut butter that is mostly palm oil and sugar. Just sayin'
It should spark national outrage!