I don't know about you but I want an organization of people trained in medicine to determine what drugs to put to market, like say the FDA, and not some lone rando judge who may be educated in the law but not much more.
@amydiehl Wasn’t it the GOP who were screaming about the dangers of “activist judges” who they feared would “legislate from the bench” just a few years ago? Their silence now speaks volumes.
@CaptainFlab @amydiehl look, it's not like you're wrong but "hey the GOP are hypocrites" is not news and it's not significant in any way. It's something modern Republicans consider a plus.
@amydiehl Politicians, insurance executives, and other non-medical folks effectively practicing medicine without a license… is a significant cause of moral injury in our field. Saying nothing of the harm with regard to public health.
@amydiehl With an emphasis on “may” be educated on the law.
@amydiehl if you read his rulings he’s barely trained as a judge. Sounds like an ignorant bro not judicial at all
@amydiehl Trusting in science might be too much common sense for some
@amydiehl @donmelton “may be” doing a lot of heavy lifting here
@amydiehl I’d say barely educated in the law. Just enough to be highly dangerous
@amydiehl The decision by that wacknut Judge had nothing to do with the law. It was an exercise of power.
@amydiehl Similar situation with #education & #PublicSchoolBoards who make key decisions about education, including approval of which textbooks are used - or not used. These people are not #educators, they have no training or degrees in education. They’re plumbers, accountants, bus drivers, dentists or mechanics; elected community members making critical decisions abt your children's education. How’s this brilliant idea working for us?
@amydiehl He would know that, if he was educated in anything other than a death cult.
@amydiehl FDA delenda est
@amydiehl but, but, but trump picked that judge and trump promised we’d be winning bigly. Heavens, is there a remote possibility that trump appointed a thoroughly under qualified, religious fanatic to the bench? Vote Blue no matter who all down the ballot
@amydiehl He may be educated but he's assuredly not learned.
@amydiehl I have not read the ruling myself, but my understanding is that it's not an assessment of the drug itself -- which would obviously be inappropriate, and legally invalid. Rather, it claims (probably wrongly) that FDA did not follow the process it was supposed to in approving the drug. That would be a valid legal argument. It would mean, "I can't say if this drug is okay, only that the agency that's supposed to decide that didn't do what it's supposed to, so we can't know."