A tiny seed bursting with potential.
Earlier this year, I started a bunch of perennial plants by seed, and this is one of the ones that flowered this year!
I had not even heard of Malva before, but I'm sure glad I did
@alchemistsstudio Yes, mallows are beautiful flowering plants and very hardy. They range in height from knee-high to 6'. Colors are typically in the white-pink-purple range.
Marshmallows used to be made from the root of the perennial marsh mallow. https://amzn.to/4eguojh
Your plant looks like Malva sylvestris Zebrina.
You may also enjoy the annual Lavatera trimestris. It's very showy! They produce lots of seeds, which you can save. https://amzn.to/3TprssJ
@mjausson Thanks for all the great information and helpful links. I have some ideas of where I want to put some new varieties
The annual ones are beautiful!!! I'll have to check if they ever self seed. I hope you have a great day!