Twitter is now paying people to spread hate
Reminder: if you’re still on Twitter—your presence and your interactions generate revenue. You’re literally funding the alt right.
@flexghost @Tweetfiction it’s absolute madness. Meta has mega problems. They aren’t paying their creators. Apparently they’re currently experiencing delays in the content monetisation policy checks for VOD. Whatever that means. There’s literally a Social Media platform war going on. Sounds like all those platforms are fighting for the attention of content creators and users. No matter how ethical it is. It’s all about attention. Apparently Meta still wants to connect to Mastodon.
@TheQueensMindset @flexghost @Tweetfiction Sorry, I disagree. PreMusk was becoming very, very dangerous to the entities that believe they rule the worlds. For all it's warts, it unwittingly, unintentionally became an incredible instrument of democracy. The truest public square we had, it cut their filters (MSM) out of the equation. Our reach, our sources for information grew exponentially ( all of us spread across the globe). We could see it all for ourselves and decide what was of value. cont,