@HistoPol To your point, #Elmo and #Xhitter either think I'm a bot, don't like my politics and/or don't like it when I am mean to them. BTW--I grew up in abject poverty, homeless at times living in the back of a Ford pickup under a tarp with alcoholic evangelical parents. I have had 12 reincarnations on #Xhitter
That is an extreme "hardcore" bio. Kudos.
I don't think I could survive in such an environment for long.
@HistoPol I consider myself AVERAGE. But my average is caused by living in the tails of the distribution instead of just in the middle of the distribution.
@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ @HistoPol Put it in perspective. If you’re of average intelligence you’d be a genius if you were a magat
@HistoPol @SteveBologna The irony is that MANY of my family are MAGATs. I have told my little sister to take me out of her phone and never call me again--she beLIEves in Jesus and guns. If you already #BELIEVE in an #Omniscient, #Omnipresent, #Omnipotent #SkyDaddy and #Whisper #SelfishWhispers to #ImaginaryFriends and a #ZombieJew, to bend the laws of #Physics and #Probability to grant your #SelfishDesires it's trivial to believe anything #tRump says is the truth. #JohnBata print.
@HistoPol @SteveBologna That being said, I grew up with guns. My welfare single mother of 3 slept with a .357 magnum police special under her pillow loaded with hollowpoint bullets incase abusive boyfriends showed up.
I got rid of GOD and JESUS. I kept my attachment to guns.